CPTED-UK are proud to sponsor the Calverton Miners Welfare Football Club under 7s. The club looks back at nearly 70 years of football history linked to the Calverton Colliery in Nottinghamshire. Calverton provides coaching and competitive football for all ages, genders and abilities. It’s the first time the club formed a team for boys under 7 years old. The club also provides activities for girls and boys with disabilities covering cerebral palsy, hearing and sight impairment, Asperger, autism and learning difficulties.

By sponsoring the Calverton Miners Welfare FC CPTED-UK hope to support the club in bringing the communities together and ensuring that physical activities are available for all without leaving anybody behind.
According to Sport England there are currently seven million children aged five to 15 in England and more than half are not doing the recommended daily amount of exercise. Positive experiences at an early age help build the foundations for an active life. Building positive attitudes to sport and activity is one of the issues being tackled in the Sport England Uniting the Movement strategy.
Dan Moore, Calverton under 7s coach said: “We are extremely grateful to CPTED-UK for their generous sponsorship funding that has ensured all our team have access to a brand new playing kit for the seasons ahead. The team certainly look the part in their blue and white hoops!”
Sport England work in collaboration with the Design Council, together they’ve launched the Ideas to Action initiative that seeks new ways to overcome inequalities in physical activity. Ideas to Action helps organisations with great ideas on how to support some of the least active groups in society to become more active. Both directors of CPTED-UK have been appointed Design Council Experts representing security and social value in the real estate.
The mission of CPTED-UK is to improve the quality of life by creating safe, secure and sustainable environments. It is closely aligned to the strategy of the Design Council, who over the next four years will use its wealth of research, evidence, experience, and expertise to help tackle challenges around three key areas: health and wellbeing, sustainable living, and design skills
CPTED-UK are a consultancy that assists architects, developers and other real estate stakeholders with defining the security needs of their assets. By applying the physical and social strategies of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) they help to achieve the feeling of safety and security that are essential for sustainable communities.