CPTED-UK’s first project this year is of particular interest to us- a High Street of the 15 Minute City.
Olive Lane is the High Street of Waverley- Yorkshire’s largest brownfield redevelopment with outline planning consent in place for 3,890 homes and 2 million sq. ft of commercial space. The first 1000 homes are already occupied and around 2000 people work on the Advanced Manufacturing Park. The AMP provides space for such companies as UK Atomic Energy Authority, Rolls-Royce and McLaren Automotive. CPTED-UK work with Harworth Plc assessing security needs for the next phase of the development-Olive Lane.
The residential properties have been built by Barratt Homes, Harron, Taylor Wimpey, Avant and Skyhouse. Community infrastructure is being developed alongside including a new primary school that opened in September 2020. The High Street will create a new heart for Waverley and its community. It will become a thriving area of public realm that will link the residential and AMP areas together.
Olive Lane has been designed by Harworth Plc in close collaboration with Coda Architecture, PWP Landscape Design and BE Design. The plans comprise of retail uses, a gym, offices, restaurants and cafes, a supermarket, a medical centre, community space, a bus hub and residential development, all of which will create a vibrant centre for local people. It is proposed to be developed on around 10 acres of land that sits between the Advanced Manufacturing Park (AMP) and the site’s existing residential area.
The build is an exemplar model of the 15 minute city- a development model that many cities aspire to in order to support the sustainable development goals. As such it is of interest to the High Street Task Force. It will see people living working and socialising in and around the thriving Olive Lane development.
Future High Streets need to diversify and offer more than just a retail experience. Olive Lane delivers on this with a multipurpose modern urban street feel.
In CPTED-UK we pride ourselves in designing cost effective and fit for purpose security solutions with sustainability at the heart of everything we do. A place which is inherently ‘insecure’ will never be sustainable.
We will undertake a robust site appraisal, which will consider environmental and physical cues in and around the development. It will identify the potential future crime trends and opportunities that can be effectively reduces at the early stages of the design. The assessment will also have the potential to influence future security decision making for all stakeholders.
By adopting this approach Harworth Plc achieve value for money, sustainable and effective long-term security for the heart of Waverley and the community it serves.